#WWSCommunity – A School Community

School Community Events

The #WWSCommunity is invited to get involved and participate in many of the school’s traditional festivals and events, student performances, presentations and fundraising initiatives throughout the year.

Parent Social Nights

WWS also organizes social events like moms and dads’ evening, education workshops, parent book clubs and more to support new families and create a warm, welcoming and supportive environment for everyone. These are announced to families through our subscribed, weekly E-News.

Parent Association (PAC) & Parent Council

WWS parents are automatically considered part of the Parent Action Committee and anyone can volunteer on the Parent Council (the governing body of the Parent Assoc.), which helps lead the parent association (PAC) to coordinate and  foster a healthy creative energy and environment in the school.

“FUN-raising” Events

The PAC facilitates all fundraising activities and aims to create a social network of Whistler Waldorf parents through our many events. To assist with the ongoing development of the school, WWS coordinates various annual fundraising initiatives  throughout the year.

Communication is a priority at WWS

MyWWS- Member Portal & Student Hub

Providing school information and student support resources in one central location online makes it easier for everyone to find school details and complete admin tasks.

Designed for parents & students, My WWS provides access to:

  • School information such as policies and procedures,  guidelines and parent quick links/resources.
  • WWW’s parent admin database @ WWS BigSIS to sign permission forms, update family data, and view report cards.
  • High School Student HUB, an internal section with student links & resources  (i.e. timetables, syllabus info., counselling resources, university prep. etc.)
  • WWS E-Learning platforms –  Planbook, Teams and Zoom for those students who are away and need to download/upload assignments.

School Communication

Communication is a priority at WWS! Here are just a few ways we reach out to our members, partners and WWS community:

  • Weekly E-news & Monthly E-news+ – Families receive a concise, online newsletter each week with classroom pics., upcoming events and a short community section with Whistler family resources.
  • Weekly Teacher Quick Update – WWS parents can expect to receive a class specific email weekly from their child’s class teacher to update them on the happenings in the classroom and what to expect over the next one.
  • Bi-annual Community newsletter – Community members, partners, alumni and Waldorf enthusiasts receive a bi annual newsletter about Waldorf education, festival news, school updates and resources for anyone interested in education and Waldorf pedagogy. Sign up below be added to our newsletter list!

Looking for more information?

Talk to a current WWS member

Maybe you would like to schedule a quick chat with a current parent to find out more about our WWS Community to get a personal perspective?

Please reach out and let us know to talk to a parent representative – Email Admissions or call Jen Dodds, Director of Advancement at 604-932-1885.

For General Questions:

General communication about  school events & dates, or any other questions or concerns you do not know who to ask. Receptionist
Questions regarding school communications, marketing, public relations, etc.

To be added to WWS Communications 

Jen Dodds, Director of Advancement

Cristiana Spooner, Communications Manager

Admissions/Withdrawal information & requests Jen Dodds, Director of Advancement
Student Records request Cassie Hields, Finance Manager
Questions about the Whistler Waldorf School Society Chair of the Board

We knew from the beginning that beyond our home and family, the place and community where our children would spend the majority of their time would be at school. When it came to choosing a school for our children, it was imperative to us that the school reflect our values of truth, responsibility, empathy, and respect for nature A rich experiential education that encourages them to think for themselves and takes them beyond their desks and outside the classroom combined with a solid academic and arts program, has cultivated a beautiful love of learning and nurtured their innate curiosity. We know that they are not just better students, but better people because of the school.

Social Media Channels & Blogs

WWS regularly posts on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and more to connect with the #WWSCommunity at large.

We also provide exciting news and updates about upcoming events and what’s happening in our  classrooms in one of our 5 blogs including Student and Community reflections.

Follow us on the channels below or check out our Connect with Us page for more details

Sign-up for News

WWS’ Community Newsletter