WWS Student Absence Form

Please submit an individual form for each student who is absent. (An additional student link will be available on confirmation of your submission.)

If unsure, provide an estimated return date (re: sickness, injury, emergency, etc.)
*Upon submission, members agree to WWS absence criteria/policies noted on this page.
Provide details for Reception on Unexcused and Extended Absence(s) including 5+ day Sickness (to avoid follow-up by email.)

Reporting a student’s absence

Fill in the online form or Email An Absence before 9am as we need written notification for everyday that a student is away (as per BC Ministry of Education requirements).

  • Can’t get online? You can also call 604-932-1885 after 8:30am, and forward an email or fill in the online form ASAP for follow-up.

If we have not heard from you in the morning, an email will be sent to confirm that your student has been marked as absent. If we do not hear from you in a timely manner, we may need to enact the Missing Child Procedure. 

What is the difference between excused & unexcused absences?

BC’s Ministry of Education requires written documentation for all absences.  Please fill out the online form to confirm a student absence and be as specific as possible when noting the school return date. More details may be required based on the circumstance of the absence:

  • Excused 1+ day absence: for sickness, injury or medical appointments. Faculty can help you with a catch-up plan for any work missed if it’s longer than 1 day.
  • Unexcused 1+ day absence: for holidays, vacations, educational trips and related absences when school is in session. Please also provide specific details on the online form. Faculty are not required to provide work and/or follow-up on work missed which may impact your student’s learning/achievement.
  • Emergency/Other absences: for a family emergency or an absence that does not fall under either category, please select “Other” and provide specific details on the online form. We will follow-up with you directly on whether it qualifies as an excused or unexcused absence.
Looking for more on how to fill out the form?
  • Extended  absences of 1+ more days (excused/unexcused absences): Extended absences may require further follow-up. For excused absences, please send an email or fill out the form for every day your student is sick and away from school as an excused absence. For unexcused absences, please fill out the form and confirm the date range for upcoming known dates. Also, be sure to be in contact with your student’s teacher as to their longer absence to keep up with classwork.
  • Planbook student access: Teacher lesson plans are available to WWS families based on grade. Please connect with your teacher for details.
  • Policy details: View specifics in the WWS Attendance Policy_2023
Please note unexcused & irregular attendance: 
  • Unexcused absence maximum: If your child’s total unexcused absences places your child below the required hours for Ministry of Education funding, this could result in being charged the difference between the full grant and the prorated grant received for your child, as this has budget implications for our entire school.
  • Irregular attendance: Irregular attendance can curtail a student’s ability to contribute to, as well as benefit from the learning experience. It can also hinder the progress of the class. The responsibility for regular attendance lies with the student and families/guardians.