Giving Them the Power to Change the World
From its earliest days Waldorf Education has stood in service to the future, educating individuals to reach for the greater good and nurturing in students important human capacities that go beyond simply book smarts.
Curiosity, compassion, confidence, resilience, and civic mindedness are just a few of the qualities our students carry with them that fundamentally changes how they interact with the world.
Like most independent schools, tuition does not fully cover the cost of educating a student and charitable giving such as the Annual Fund bridges that gap. Your contribution goes directly to preserving this incredible community that we all care about. It requires everyone to do their part. Please lend your support by contributing to the Annual Fund and showing the strength of the WWS community.
This year’s donations will be directed to the priorities identified in our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan including facilities upgrades, offsetting professional development, enhancing our programs and supporting important DEI work. Through the power of community giving, we can make a difference to our students and the faculty of Whistler Waldorf School.
Please take a moment to demonstrate your support by participating in our 2022 Annual Give and thank you.